Bonnie Follow Me To

Play our free Bonnie Follow Me To dress up game for a funny and unforgettable experience. Come back each and every day for a free new dress up game.

Bonnie has a one month vacation and she and her boyfriend want to spend this time to travel all around the world. She also wants to take some artistic photos to post them on social media and capture all these amazing moments. She has decided on the "follow me to" concept, where she takes her boyfriend's hand while she leads him to an amazing place. Help her dress up for each photo. She can take a photo going into a gorgeous blue sea in the Caribbean with a braid in her hair and a blue bikini with golden prints. She could go to India and take a photo in front of the Taj Mahal dressed up in a colorful sari. She could travel to Japan dressed up in a purple kimono with flower prints. Or she could wear an elegant red dress in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Use your imagination and enjoy playing Bonnie Follow Me To!

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How to play?

  • Use your left mouse button.

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This game can be played both on PC and mobile devices