Love Calculator

Play our free Love Calculator love tester game for a funny and unforgettable experience. Come back each and every day for a free new love tester game.

Is your crush the right person for you? Could your crush have the same feelings for you? Does it worth getting the courage to take the first steps yourself and get in a conversation with your crush? We all have been there, we all played the little "He/she loves me, he/she loves me not" game! Find out if you and your crush are meant for each other by playing this game! Your age, heights, weight, and eye color are just some of the information this magic calculator needs to determine if you love matches! "There are plenty more fish in the sea" or "You are meant for each other" are just some of the possible outcomes you could get!

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How to play?

  • Use your left mouse button.

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This game can be played both on PC and mobile devices