Daily Crossword

Play our free Daily Crossword crossword game for a funny and unforgettable experience. Come back each and every day for a free new crossword game.

If you love crossword puzzles be sure to visit Capy.com daily and see what's in store for you in Daily Crossword, a game that promises a new word puzzle every day. And each day's puzzle is archived, so if you're particularly busy you won't miss out on a solving an exciting crossword puzzle!

Daily Crossword is a perfect way to test your knowledge, but also to keep your mind sharp and active. And the best part is that if you can't figure out what word fits in a certain space you can use the hint system to get you out of any tricky situation. Sometimes one word can reveal the solution to the whole puzzle, seeing how interconnected crossword puzzles are.

Visit Capy.com for your daily dose of word puzzles!

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How to play?

  • Use your left mouse button.

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This game can be played both on PC and mobile devices